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Category Archives: Green Groups


The Paul Wheaton Site “Permies” is the largest Permaculture Forum on the net. This group of greenies deserves a look-see.

Paul Wheaton’s website is a quickly spreading permaculture community.  In fact, it’s the largest forums for Permaculture lovers on the internet.  The concept actually dates back to the mid-1970s, when  Bill Mollison and David Holmgren were trying to conceptualize agricultural systems in Tasmania. Over time, greenies have adapted the core principals and expended on them.    Wikipedia lists it a branch of ecological design and engeineering which contributes to sustainable architecture….focusing on three core principals of belief:

  • Take care of the earth: Provision for all life systems to continue and multiply. This is the first principle, because without a healthy earth, humans cannot flourish.
  • Take care of the people: Provision for people to access those resources necessary for their existence.
  • Share the surplus: Healthy natural systems use outputs from each element to nourish others. We humans can do the same. By governing our own needs, we can set resources aside to further the above principles.

It actually goes further than that, with a whole inner structure of staying green.  Just what does Wheaton’s permies say?  “It’s is about building a better world one brick at a time, instead of being angry at bad guys.”



This certainly needs more attention.

Connect with the Permies  –  Web  Forum  Blog  Store

Source:  How to Dive in to Permaculture  by Paul Wheaton.

Related Reading:  Etsy Recyclers Guild : Permies Agriculture Movement

bee green magazine

I love websites that encourage the community to go greener! Canada’s Vancouver Island has come up with an online magazine to get everyone involved.  Bee Green Magazine is an online place where the Eco Friendly community and green earth conscious individuals can network together.
vancouver island green magazine

Encouraging youth, students, non profit organizations, and businesses to get on the Green bandwagon, you can find lots here. From health to recycling, it’s all inside the website. Perhaps what it’s really about is making relationships—offering free green education to those who want to live more eco friendly. It helps foster education on the topic and create awareness to saavy individuals whom may wish to shop with a local green merchant. Anyone who wants to support sustainability can learn something here. The best part, it’s not wasting trees, you read it online!

They say, “We believe our demographics include everyone, from students to community leaders—anyone with an interest for our community and the general well being of our planet.”  Good for them. If everyone did this, our world would be a much greener, healthier place!

GreenITers Online Community  now has over 10,000 members!  GreenITers provides such online community, for Clean Teach Global thinkers. Here you will find everyone from top academics to the average person with an interest in preserving the planet through eco-friendly technology, can get together online and share ideas, new gadgets, scientific news and break-through. You can share your blog, join the green directory, you name it, you can do it. What a cool commmunity of people who care.


It is free to join GreenITers and as a member, people can join groups, existing groups cover topics such as Renewable (Biofuel, Biomass, Geothermal, Hydroelectricity, Solar, Tidal Wave, Wind), Electric / Hybrid Vehicles, Green IT, Green Building,Eco Projects, Nature Protection, Climate Change, Recycle and Green Innovations. What are you waiting for?

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