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Category Archives: Health and Living

Postpartum weight Loss

Postpartum weight loss was never easier with organic cotton wraps. Photo:

Why is this new mom smiling? Because she’s wearing an organic 100% cotton belly wrap, fashioned in a way that it will help her induce weight loss and sweat off those extra pounds from the baby bump area.  This is from a shop on Etsy shop called MommyBellyWrap. They claim the wrap speeds up the healing and toning of the abdominal muscles as well as helping the wearer of said item lose weight.  They write, “The tradition of postpartum belly wrapping has been common in other countries for centuries as it is believed that by holding stretched stomach muscles in place, it facilitates their healing. ”

Theirs:  100% cloth, allowing the skin to breathe so it is more comfortable to wear and not as hot as spandex type.

Cost:  $38.99

For that price, you can’t go wrong.

Find it here.

Belly Dance Get Up on Amazon may be what you need after using It Works! products

Perhaps you’ve seen all these advertisements online and customer testimonials by the products by the company, It Works! In case you don’t know, this company started small and grew real big real fast by it’s customers falling in love with it’s organic and natural herbal products–then becoming distributors. Call it grassroots, or word of mouth, but we did some investigating.

On Facebook we found the page of GriegoSkinnyWraps. Their page is loaded with client “thank you’s” so we asked them what the deal was.  They said, “We have all herbal no synthetic body care, nutrition , and weight loss supplements. ” They went on to tell us they too were skeptical, until they used the products, got hooked by the fact they worked, and then became distributors. They sell by word of mouth, to family and friends, and through their Facebook page.

We asked what is up with this miracle body wrap? What is it? Why does it work?

They said, ” The body wrap is our flagship product and our best seller! It has an herbal based cream on it that tones, tightens, firms and causes inch loss, gets rid of cellulite and stretch marks in as little as 45 minutes it starts working. This is NOT a water loss wrap – which are terrible and don’t last. These wraps detox as deeply as in to the fat cells. These are a FIRST TO MARKET product that truly works and results last 2-6 months even without doing anything to maintain them. They work. Our other products include our favorite – Greens – 1 tsp = 8 servings of fruit and veggies – detoxes, alkalizes the body, gives natural energy.”

The fact we like It Works! is that they are using green herbal supplements, natural ingredients, and multi-level word of mouth marketing via happy customers. If that doesn’t say “green” I don’t know what does.

Find out more or like the Facebook page at GriegoSkinnyWraps

*Please report to us if you’ve used these products, and let us know what you think!

going green

Becoming a Vegetarian never was so easy, as now you can officially get the tools and learning that you need with the Vegetarians Beginner I just read about a site that gives you all the tools you need to “turn yourself” from a meat eater into a full fledged vegetarian or vegan. Often people are curious on how to make the changes in their lifestyle, and confused by what foods they can and can’t eat. This Vegetarian’s Beginner’s Guide 30 Day Course is complete with education, information, and tools you need for going green with this transition.

This would also make a great gift!

Bloom Herbal Organics offers real herbal organics such as this “Bloom Allergy Relief” Bloom Herbal Organics

Finally, doctors speak up–owned by physicians they have created an all new Herbal-For-Your-Life website. No scripts or toxic chemicals required. Take for instance this Allergy Relief. It contains natural ingredients such as:

  • Nettles leaf
  • Maitake Mushroom
  • Dandelion Root
  • Licorice Root
  • Spikenard Root

This is what I want in my stocking this holiday season. Not just Allergy Relief, but they have  Sinus Relief, Immune System Booster.  Did I mention Recovery organic remedies too?  All of this is  truly promoting the healthy, active, organic lifestyle.

Visit them:  Bloom Herbal Organics